Big Body 740 der Krampe Kartoffel Kipper

Big Body 740 - The potato tipper

Potatoes are among the most popular vegetables. German growers alone produce 10 million tonnes of potatoes every year. And certainly this year’s early potato crop has already emerged in the fields.

Especially for potato growers, Krampe now introduces the new body tipper Big Body 740. Combining the Big Body 700 chassis with a Big Body 750 body, the new ‘potato tipper’ is a joint development of Krampe engineers and members of a German potato coop. As of now, it officially forms part of the Krampe product range.

Unloading potatoes more gently and swiftly
The longer body offers higher capacities without increasing the total height and extends the rear end for easier unloading into a tipping hopper.

The interior walls and the floor of the body are manufactured from a single steel sheet to eliminate any edges and corners and ensure smooth and gentle unloading. Extended with silage extensions, the new potato specialist offers a capacity of up to 39.1 m³ and a technical payload of 22t.

Comprehensively equipped
The standard inspection windows can be supplemented by further windows on both sides for superior visibility of the load. Also, the rear end outlet slide can be complemented by two extra slides on the right and left for better flow control during unloading.

Ride enhancing options include caster or forced steering as well as pneumatic suspension. Optional fall-breakers are available to avoid damage to the potatoes as they drop into the trailer.

Dependable and of a rugged design, Big Body 740 is a typical Krampe machine, which has already been performing successfully at large potato coops.

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Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH
Zusestraße 4
D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen

Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0
Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14

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Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Zusestraße 4 · D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen · Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0 · Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14 ·

gedruckt 05-05-2024 13:33:54 Uhr
