
The 4th generation enters Krampe management board

Since the 1st of November 2017, senior August Krampe and his son Robin Krampe are working together in the management of Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH.

26-year old Robin Krampe began his career by training as a mechatronics technician at Ruthmann Steiger in Gescher, Germany, before he went back to school to complete his secondary education. Afterwards he studied industrial engineering and industrial business management in a dual education programme that involved a work placement at the Amazone factory in Hasbergen. For the subsequent Master’s degree he went to Munich and wrote his thesis at Liebherr in Switzerland. He gained experience in sales at the Claas Harvest Center in New Zealand in the winter of 2016/17 and most recently at Agravis Technik close to the Krampe headquarters.

One of his tasks as a general manager will be to develop the product management system. Over the next six years he will gradually assume more and more responsibility to prepare for August Krampe’s withdrawal from the management of company at the age of 65 when he will adopt an advisory position.

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Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH
Zusestraße 4
D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen

Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0
Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14
Mail: info@krampe.de

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Krampe Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Zusestraße 4 · D-48653 Coesfeld-Flamschen · Tel: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-0 · Fax: +49 (0)25 41/80 178-14 · Mail:info@krampe.de

gedruckt 03-05-2024 15:59:08 Uhr
